Getting to know your septic system?

septic with baffle Each time you turn on a faucet, flush a toilet, or do a load of laundry, the water and waste travels out of the house and into the Septic Tank. Some of the waste sinks to the bottom and some of it floats. As more water goes into the Septic System, an equal amount gets pushed out to the drainfield.

Until 1992, septic tanks had no real baffle installed in the tank to hold back the sludge from getting close to the outlet end of the tank. On these old style tanks when the water enters the tank, it stirs up the sludge and can push it out into the drainfield blocking the flow of water entering the drainfield lines.

Installation of the baffle in tanks installed after 1992, made a great improvement at keeping the sludge away from the outlet therefore the stirring affect has been kept to a minimum. This does not mean sludge cannot find its way to the outlet. Only regular septic tank cleaning and pumpouts can help prevent sludge from getting into the drainfield.

The septic and plumbing professionals at ARF Septic can help you.

Where does all the Wastewater Go?

Perforated pipe and rock became the materials mostly used for drainfields starting in the early 70s. The wastewater passes thru the tank into a distribution pipe called the header. Water then travels thru the perforated pipes (called laterals). There is another pipe connecting the ends of the perforated pipe together called the footer. This completes the a closed loop system known as a drainfield.

If sludge gets out of the tank and flows thru the perforated pipe into the drainfield, you can see how it will clog up the pipe, rock, then the sand under the rock bed.

Why Do Septic Systems Fail?

If the wastewater cannot soak into the soil under the drainfield bed, sewage may back up into the system creating two distinct symptoms – wastewater puddling on the ground, or sewage backing up into the house. After flushing the toilet, if the water does not go down, or you hear a blupping sound – this is telling you the tank or drainfield is not accepting water.

The water will begin to push to the top of the drainfield and begin to puddle at the surface.

Possible Causes:

  • A septic system placed in unsuitable soil for the flow generated from a house.
  • A septic system designed too small for the house it serves or too small for the water generated from the house.
  • Excessive Water Usage
  • Poor Soil Conditions
  • If sludge or scum is allowed to escape out of the septic tank and enter the drainfield, the pipe, rock, or sand may become clogged. If this happens the liquid will not be absorbed into the sand. This common problem is caused by a failure to have the septic tank regularly pumped out. It is also important to note that, over the normal operating life of a septic system, this clogging will naturally occur and can eventually degrade a system. Again, regular pump
    outs are the best preventative service that can be performed.
  • During wet or abnormally wet seasons, groundwater may rise into a drainfield and force sewage to the surface.
  • This is caused by an error in design or sometimes by a significant change in the surrounding landscape.
  • High Water Table and Septic System Failures
  • Roots and Clogging of Septic System Failures.
  • The roots of trees and bushes planted too close to the system can sometimes enter and block the pipes of the system.
  • Physical Damage to Septic System Components Causing Septic Failures.
  • Cars, Trucks or heavy equipment passing over ANY portion of the system can damage pipes or other portions of the septic system causing a malfunction.

Your Drainfield Not Working Properly? Now What?

When your toilets back up or wastewater puddles up in your Drainfield area, chances are you will need to get it serviced or repaired. If roots have blocked your drainfield or kitchen grease, oils and fats have gotten into your lines, there may be nothing that can be done except to take out the old drainfield and install a new one. Sun Plumbing offers Free Estimates for your drainfield Repair or Replacement.

If roots or grease are not your problem, you may want to consider getting your Drainfield Cleaned. Over the years Sun Plumbing has perfected our cleaning process with amazing results. Our success rate of drainfield rejuvenation has consistently been above 95% of the Drainfields we have serviced. We can clean your Drainfield without disruption of water usage and with minimal disruption to your yard.

Our cleaning includes a warranty, and we offer credit toward a drainfield replacement by Sun Plumbing – if our cleaning fails. For larger failing Drainfields we may recommend adding Aeration to the septic tank. This is always an option for any drainfield that may have a biomat buildup at the absorbtion area.

If you do need a new Drainfield, there could be a chance you may have to install a pump tank with an elevated Drainfield for the new system. As a general rule, if your system needs to be replaced and it is older then 1992, the Environmental Health Department may determine your old system is to close to the ground water table. This means your new system will need to be installed higher, requiring the addition of a pump tank and pump.

How Can Aeration Help Your Septic or Drainfield?

Aeration improves the performance of a biologically clogged failing septic system by enhancing the natural bacterial treatment process. Aeration works by introducing oxygen into the septic tank. Aeration and bacteria work together to naturally break down thebiomat. Under normal conditions, a septic system will build up a biological slime (biomat) inhibiting the soils natural ability to absorb water. A healthy population of oxygen rich bacteria consumes the slime that has built up over time. Aeration at the septic tank
creates an ideal environment for this process to take place.

Oxygen is added to the system by a small air pump with a diffuser placed in the septic tank. The Aeration unit provides a means for wastewater to circulate and come in contact with the oxygen rich bacteria. Along with the addition of oxygen, the Aeration process includes a bacterial catalyst added into the septic tank to kick off the remediation process. The bacterial catalyst is a proprietary blend of facultative aerobic bacteria that accelerate the consumption of the biomat.

The oxygen rich wastewater first works to consume the waste materials built up in the tank and then moves out to the drainfield where it continues to consume the wastes there. This process is called bioremedration. Under normal conditions, a homeowner will begin to see improvement in their septic system within the first few weeks. This process can be greatly enhanced without laundry water entering the tank for the first 7-10 days. Over the past 7 years more then 4000 failing septic systems have been restored to normal with bioremediation technology. (source: Infiltrator literature).

Benefits include:

  • Eliminates the need for a complete drainfield replacement and the resulting landscape damage caused by heavy equipment.
  • Performance problems associated with a failing septic system such as odors and wet areas in the yard are eliminated in as little as a few weeks.
  • Environmental solution that strengthens the natural process of wastewater treatment and groundwater recharge.
  • Easy installation with no heavy equipment allows for minimal disruption and a quick return on investment.
  • Permanent solution that requires minimal cost to operate and maintain.


Does Laundry Affect My Septic System?

If you have a 2 tank system (Black & Grey Water) laundry water should go into its own tank therefore you might not be concerned with this section. After 1992 septic companies started installing only one tank with a baffle, therefore, all the plumbing including the laundry now goes into this one tank. Every time you do a load of laundry, the bleaches and soaps are killing the bacteria you need in the tank.

DID YOU KNOW? that washing machines are one of the leading causes of septic system failure? Lint generated by washing machines is usually the problem, which clogs the soil in drainfields. These small particles, do not settle in the septic tank.

Instead, they stay in suspension and are flushed out to the drainfield where they plug-up the pores of the soil bed.To compound the problem, much of our clothing is now manufactured with synthetic materials such as polyester and nylon. These substances are not biodegradable, and will not break down in a septic system. Instead, they accumulate and clog the soil. Once these non-organic materials enter the drainfield, there is no way to remove them.

You can also damage your septic system by doing a large number of laundry loads in a short period of time. In standard septic systems, solid materials settle in the tank, while effluent flows out into the ground. If you put more water into the septic system than it is built to handle, the high volume of water will flood your system and can flush solids out of the tank into the drainfield. A typical washing machine can use up to 62 gallons of water per wash load.

On a heavy wash day you can easily put 300, 400, gallons of water down the drain in a few hours (many washing machines use 60 or more gallons of water per load).

Fabric softners in washing machine rinse cycles are also known to have a clogging effect. Dryer sheets are recommended. In order to work, septic tanks require bacteria colonies which break down biodegradable matter.

If your having a problem with your drainfield or septic system in the Broward area, call the plumbers at ARF Septic 954-962-7330.